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My thoughts

To be completely honest, I feel as though the most significant challenge while creating my website was figuring out how I wanted the website pages to look. To no surprise of my own, I am not exactly satisfied with how my webpages look. I have many ideas I want to do with my website, but as of right now I cannot figure out what I truly want. That is why there are two different styling choices for the websites, however, those styles I'm not satisfied with. I definitely feel as though Wordpress websites are easier and faster to figure out, as there are already many templates to go off of. Though it is easier and faster, I feel as though it's difficult to determine what I actually want in a website when it comes to Wordpress. With GitHub, I have more options and more opportunities to present what I want and how I want, but it takes so much longer. The creative block I experienced (and still am experiencing) makes me not satisfied with what I have created. Though this assignment was turned in late, I have spent the past two days tirelessly trying to figure out a new styling technique and figure out what I really want to do with this, but I was not successful. For both of these websites, I want to figure out a styling choice that I enjoy and figure out how to display youtube links on GitHub the same way you can in Wordpress.